=== Meal Planner Pro Recipes === Contributors: Meal Planner Pro Inc., codeswan Plugin Name: Meal Planner Pro Recipes Plugin URI: http://mealplannerpro.com/wordpress-recipe-plugin Plugin GitHub: https://github.com/Ziplist/recipe_plugin License: GPLv3 or later Author URI: http://www.mealplannerpro.com/ Author: Meal Planner Pro Inc. Donate link: http://sushiday.com/recipe-seo-plugin/ Tags: groceries,grocery list,hrecipe,meal planner,meal planning,print recipe,recipe,recipe box,recipe card,recipe seo,recipes,save recipe,seo,shopping list,google rich snippets, nutrition, schema.org,recipe card,ziplist,zip recipes,yummly,ultimate recipe,recipe hero,simmer,bigoven,edamam,easyrecipe,easyrecipe plus,easy recipe,yumprint, Requires at least: 3.1 Tested up to: 4.8 Stable tag: 7.6.4 Enable your readers to take action on your recipes. Save Recipes, Create Shopping Lists, Add to Meal Planning Calendar, View Nutrition Info and more. == Description == **Why pay for a recipe plugin when you can get the best one for FREE! Our plugin is designed to make you money not cost you money.** **Max SEO** - only plugin to use three kinds of schema markup. JSON (Google Recipe View), schema.org (Pinterest), and hRecipe. **Recipe Ratings** - fully compliant with Google requirements. **Easy Conversion** - one button click to convert from EasyRecipe, Recipe Card, and ZipList. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmdEyPDPojk] Choosing which recipe plugin to use is one of the most important considerations you’ll have to make. There are pros and cons with each. No other plugin provides you with the features, functionality, and ease of use than what we provide. Your decision will be easy once you consider the following benefits and advantages. * **Designed for optimum desktop, tablet, and mobile display.** * **Fully compliant with Google Recipe View and Pinterest Rich Pins schema markup requirements.** Generate more pages views, build brand loyalty, and increase revenue. Join the vast number of food bloggers that have made the decision to switch. Your readers will thank you. Our service is completely free to you and your readers. We will never limit the number of recipes that can be saved or charge for any of it. (Unlike other plugins with save features that want to charge your readers after saving 50 recipes etc.) To see the personalized plugin in action please visit these great sites. Then save a recipe from each to see how it all works: [http://www.runningtothekitchen.com/](http://www.runningtothekitchen.com/) [http://www.thecookierookie.com/](http://www.thecookierookie.com/) [http://deliciouslyorganic.net/](http://deliciouslyorganic.net/) [http://www.dessertfortwo.com/](http://www.dessertfortwo.com/) You can also opt to use the regular non-personalized plugin: [http://www.theleangreenbean.com/ ](http://www.theleangreenbean.com/) **Nutrition, Exchange, and My Plate Info by ESHA Research** Consumers are increasingly seeking nutrition information for recipes. We’re working with ESHA Research, a world leader in nutrition for 30 years, to provide your readers with the most accurate online recipe nutrition. Google and other search engines reward recipes with nutrition info by ranking them higher in search results. We also add diet and nutrition labels such as low-fat, gluten-free, heart healthy, etc. which also helps SEO. Your recipes will appear in results when people are searching for these types of recipes. *You can opt to display nutrition info or not. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFpBUd1a4tI&feature=youtu.be] **Are you currently using another plugin such as ZipList, Easy Recipe, or Easy Recipe Plus?** No problem...you can easily convert all of your recipes into our format with the click of a button. If not completely satisfied, then simply convert back to the old format. Instructions on how to convert your ZipList, Easy Recipe, or Easy Recipe Plus recipes: [How to convert your recipes (PDF)](http://www.mealplannerpro.com/download/plugin_conversion.pdf) ***Note:** We'd be happy to convert all of your recipes for FREE if you prefer. We love doing all the tech stuff and its part of our service to you at no charge. Just let us know [info@mealplannerpro.com](info@mealplannerpro.com)* [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXeevozewH8] [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMiMM2AXOEQ] [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uFmKt9K95c] Also see below for even more great plugin features... **Recipe Image Support:** Add images within the plugin to appear with your recipe or in your Google Rich Snippet. **Copy/Paste Ingredients:** Simply cut a block of ingredients and paste them into one field. No need to add each ingredient one by one into separate fields. **Auto-Populate Recipe Name:** The recipe name is automatically replicated inside the plugin, taking the name from the post name, which further enhances SEO. **Add Links to Ingredients or Instructions:** Attach affiliate links or links to related recipes from the Ingredients, Instructions or Summary fields with ease. No other plugin enables you to do this. **Bold and Asterisk Styling:** Add bold or italicized styling to words or phrases within the Ingredients, Instructions, Summary and Notes sections. **Modified Image Display:** Add a recipe image to the plugin so that it displays in a user’s recipe box, but then choose to hide it from view on your recipe post and/or print view. **Incorporate Images into Instructions:** Now you can easily add step-by-step images to your instructions (or ingredients) from within the plugin. **Notes Field:** Add notes to your recipes, such as optional ingredients, required kitchen tools and equipment and/or additional instructions (e.g., freezing, microwave, etc.) **Enhanced Printing Capabilities:** Add a copyright statement or URL to appear at the bottom of your printed recipes. Also, display a permalink at the bottom of printed recipes so users can easily find individual recipes on your website. **Multiple Paragraph Support in Summary Section:** Users can now add multiple paragraphs to the Summary field within the plugin.
 The save recipe button, recipe box and shopping list features are now available and supported in the plugin. == Installation == You can download and install the Meal Planner Pro Recipe Plugin using the built-in WordPress plugin installer. If you download the Meal Planner Pro Recipe Plugin manually, make sure it is uploaded to "/wp-content/plugins/mealplannerpro-recipe-plugin/". Activate the Meal Planner Pro Recipe Plugin in the "Plugins" admin panel using the "Activate" link. To use the plugin, click the little Meal Planner Pro Recipe icon on the "Edit Post" pages, right next to the other editor toolbar buttons at the top of the text editor box. Then enter the details about your recipe into the appropriate boxes, and then click the "Add Recipe" button. This will save your recipe, and insert it into your blog post. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I edit a recipe with the Meal Planner Pro Recipe Plugin? = Starting with version 2.4, you'll want to click the Meal Planner Pro icon on the visual editor toolbar to both create and edit a recipe. You no longer need to click on the image placeholder within the blog post to edit a recipe. = Can I use the plugin to add multiple recipes to one post or page? = There should only be one recipe per post or page. The plugin does allow for compound recipes which is one way to include multiple lists of ingredients in your post (e.g., for a salad and a salad dressing). Simply enter your instructions for the main recipe, then start the next line with an exclamation point to create a label, like "For the Salad Dressing". Then, add the instructions for the secondary recipe. Starting with version 2.4, we no longer support multiple Meal Planner Pro-formatted recipes within a single post. = When I use Meal Planner Pro's plugin, where are the recipes stored? = With the Meal Planner Pro Recipe Plugin, your recipes are stored safely in a separate DB table in your main WP database. The recipe table is named wp_mpprecipe_recipes and you can take a look at it yourself using any WordPress database tools at your disposal. = Why do you put a placeholder image into my Edit Post page, instead of my actual recipe? = Because of the way the WordPress text editor works, if you decide to add or remove something from your recipe using the text editor, it can very easily mess up the markup of the code - so the Meal Planner Pro plugin prevents that from happening by not allowing you to edit the recipe in the text editor. == Screenshots == 1. The Meal Planner Pro Recipe Plugin icon appears on the visual editor toolbar. 2. It's easy to enter the basic information for your recipes: the title, the ingredients and the instructions for preparing the recipe. 3. There is no limit to the number of ingredients you can add. 4. And if you want to add even more information about your recipe, such as your rating of the recipe, or the serving size, all you have to do is click the "More Options" link, and you can! 5. You can fill out as many or as few additional options as you would like. 6. Once you click the "Add Recipe" button, a placeholder image will be inserted into your post where your recipe will go. If you need to edit your recipe, simply click on the spoon and fork icon in the visual editor toolbar (you do not need to click on the recipe placeholder as you did in previous releases of the plugin). 7. Once you preview or publish the post, your recipe will be there with all your microformats... without any extra work from you! == Other Notes == The save recipe button, recipe box and shopping list features are now available and supported in the plugin. == Changelog == = 7.6 = * CSS/JS optimizations. Auto-optimize friendly. = 7.5 = * All commenters (including non-registered users) may rate recipes. = 7.4 = * Improved JSON-LD compliance. * Fractional rating display = 7.3 = * WP comment_post bug fix: resolves comment posting bug. = 7.2 = * Comment bug fix = 7.1 = * Recipe ratings comment bug fix = 7.0 = * Recipe ratings feature = 6.8 = * Design improvements and style previews = 6.7.5 = * Improvements to personalization = 6.7.4 = * Improvements to JSON-LD, conversion system = 6.7.3 = * Pinterest parsing fix = 6.7.2 = * Recipe Schema compliance update. = 6.7.1 = * Support WP 4.7 = 6.7 = * JSON-LD support = 6.6.18 = * Ziplist conversion improvements = 6.6.17 = * Link builder improvements, bug fixes = 6.6.16 = * Link builder fix = 6.6.15 = * Link builder change reversion = 6.6.14 = * Link builder fix = 6.6.13 = * Link builder tool first instance. Design improvements = 6.6.12 = * Recipe card conversion, PHP5.4 compatibility improvements, WP 6.4 support = 6.6.11 = * Compatibility release = 6.6.10 = * Recipe card conversion improvements and bug fixes = 6.6.9 = * Recipe card conversion support * Design improvements